Project description
Este libro para colorear es una colección de mujeres destacadas que han cambiado la historia sólo siendo ellas mismas. Desafiaron el status quo, eran aventureras, valientes, inteligentes, interesantes pero, sobre todo, eran reales.
Esta vez les presento a 40 mujeres increíbles sin las cuales el mundo no sería como es ahora. Es tanto importante como interesante conocer sus historias y aún mejor, aprender de ellas de una forma divertida. Encontrarás mujeres de todas las épocas y partes del mundo. Tienen todo tipo de profesiones e ideales. Quizás conozcas algunas de ellas, pero seguro que más de una te sorprenderá.
This coloring book is a collection of outstanding women who have changed history just by being themselves. They challenged their status quo, they were adventurous, courageous, smart, interesting but must of all they were real.
Use this book to color their amazing stories and get inspired to create your own.This is my third coloring book and the first in two languages. This time I present 40 incredible women without whom the world wouldn’t be as it is. It is important as well as interesting to know their stories and it is even better to learn from them in a fun way. You will find women from every epoch and part of the world. They have all sorts of professions an ideals. Maybe you know some of them, but some other will surely surprise you.